Mental wellness

Having your priorities in check

You might think that you have your priorities set up in life, what with your job, your goals, wanting to spend time with loved ones, and the like. But as you go through your day you either find yourself with very little time to do those things that you are passionate about, and that has to do with your long-term goals, or you feel drained to do any of them from the exhaustion your job gives you. How then does this reflect that you have your priorities straight?
It could be that you are taking up too many responsibilities to do at a time without really thinking about what has more value than the other. You might just be taking up so many tasks at a time, expecting to do them in a day without remembering that 1) there are only so many hours in a day, 2) you need to rest, and 3) you’re only human.
And by expecting to do so many things at the same time that are not actually urgent, those personal priorities and responsibilities are forgotten, or just not done well. Which is why now is the time to sit down with a pen and paper and begin understanding what does have priority in your life now and in your future, and what doesn’t.

To begin, what do you actually have to get done today?

See what has a deadline for your work, any task you have to finish or an assignment you have to bring in today. Get that immediate workload off your shoulders first before setting down further priorities.
Make a list of the stuff you have to get done today then see how much time you have to get them done and their difficulty. It could be that sending orders by the afternoon can take just a few minutes while writing down a report will take longer to do. In this case, finishing off the hardest task first could be easier since the other one will not require much mind power to do. Identify the best way for you to complete these tasks so you can ease that daily stress.


Make sure to finish those tasks you actually have urgent for today first.

Write down the important things you want in your life:

Grab a pen and paper and start writing down your goals, what you want to get better at, what you want to change in work, in love, with family, in health, etc. See what could be short-term goals, and which will take some time.
As you do this, try to find what things you could do or are doing already every day that could lead you to these goals. Prioritizing your well being and keeping long-term goals in life will guide you to choose daily activities and projects that will eventually lead you to them, so long as you maintain your priorities and don’t overwhelm yourself.
Remember that not all of these goals will be achieved at a time, and try to keep them more realistic in the sense of not forcing a particular situation to transform into your goal.

writing goals

Write down those goals you want to reach in a few years.

Take the time to plan and begin these goals:

Devise plans that might lead you to an opportunity, or begin to set aside time at the end of your day or every few days to dedicate yourself to working on these goals. It could be starting your applications for your future MBA for a few hours a week. Or taking weekends to relax and spend time with your loved ones. Taking small steps to achieve your goals will get you to them at some point, and will make you feel like you are utilizing your time to the max.
But remember that distractions are always in the way. When working on those applications, turn off your phone’s notifications, and when you’re going out, turn off the TV and begin getting ready on time. Don’t waste your time or else you’ll regret not having hung out more at the club with your friends. And if you got extra work offered to you to bring home, really think if you need it, if it will help you, or if you are just being a workaholic. Your well-being comes first, and so does your rest, so only do these extra tasks if you have finished everything else with some time to spare for another short assignment.


Plan on how you wish to achieve these goals little by little.

Priorities aren’t supposed to make you feel overwhelmed

Priorities will help you keep a focus on what you really want in life. They are supposed to guide you into doing the things and work you actually want to do without a negative effect on your health and wellbeing. Knowing what is important to you, which are your responsibilities and what you can do now as opposed to what you can achieve later will keep you calm and ready to achieve your goals, without taking away your happiness during the journey.

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