Beauty, Face, Skin and body

DIY: 6 natural bleaches at home

Spotless skin without blemishes or flaws is a dream that everyone nurtures. Fighting the scars, especially the facial hair seems a big task to many. You opt for facials, waxing, bleaching and endless things for that glow and blemish free skin. Bleaching is done in the shortest period of time yet stands to be the riskiest if not done properly. Sensitive skin may feel a burning sensation or develop allergies to bleach. Strong bleach can make your skin dry and cause irritation or even rashes. Over bleaching can burn your skin and leave scars forever. Ditch those commercial bleaches and go for the safe and organic ones. Here are few natural bleaches that you can use to bleach your facial skin at home. 

 Lemon juice

Among all other health benefits that lemon possesses, bleaching is another added value. The high content of citric acid and an excellent bleaching agent, lemon is used for skin lightening, removing scars as well as bleaching your facial hair. Just squeeze half a lemon juice and apply on face with cotton pad. In case you get the tingling or burning sensation, you can dilute it with water or rose water. Leave it on for 15 minutes and wash off with cool water.  Don’t forget to moisturize thereafter.

  Mask it with yogurt

Did you know that the lactic acid content of yogurt is excellent for bleaching? It is quite calming, removes dead skin cells and tanning naturally. All you need to do is add a tablespoon of gram flour to two tablespoons of yogurt and make a thick paste. Apply on face and let it sit till it dries. Soak a cotton ball or wet cloth and remove the mask gently from your face. Your facial skin will look healthy, glowing and bright with a smooth texture.

  Honey and turmeric

Both are known as the super ingredients of a kitchen. With antiseptic and moisturizing properties, honey kills bacterial infection and makes skin supple. Turmeric is a decent bleaching agent that reduces melanin level and lightens skin tone as well as facial fair. Haven’t we all seen “haldi” ceremony before marriages? Well, turmeric does wonders to skin as it gives a magical brightness naturally. Mix honey and turmeric evenly on face and wash after 10-15 minutes to remove lackluster complexion and dark hair.

  Cucumber and lemon

Cucumber is high in water content and is also an amazing cooling agent. When mixed with lemon, the two together become the best natural bleach for the skin. Mix one tablespoon each of cucumber juice and lemon juice. Apply on face and rub gently on the skin for 5-7 minutes. Rinse with cool water. This bleach will give an instant glow and fresh look.

  Tomato tango!

The beautiful red tomatoes are not only good for health but also great for skin. Enriched with vitamin C, tomato give makes skin radiant and removes blemishes. The best part is that it bleaches face without causing pain or burning sensation. Just mash a ripe tomato and mix a bit of curd. It is okay to have seeds present in the mixture. In case you don’t want seeds, sieve the pulp. Apply the mixture on the face evenly and let it dry. Wash with lukewarm water and pat skin dry.  

 Oatmeal bleach

Bleaching is not only meant for the ace but also for your back, isn’t it?  Oatmeal would bleach as well as exfoliate the dead skin cells while removing impurities. Mix 2 tablespoons each of ground oatmeal and lemon juice with 1 tablespoon each of yogurt and olive oil. Apply on face and back. Let it dry for 25-30 minutes. Rinse with cold water and pat skin dry. Apply moisturizer to lock in hydration. This application will lighten skin tone and get your skin rid of blemishes as well.   
There is no need for you to go for the expensive parlor sessions for bleaching anymore when you can do it at home yourself. Try the above ingredients, which are most of the times available at home.  These are natural, safe and indeed cost-effective. Who needs those ready-made commercial bleaches laden with harsh chemicals when you can make these effortlessly? We hope you agree!  

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