Avoid These 6 ‘Healthy’ Foods for Personalized Health
6 supposedly healthy foods you should be avoiding: How many times have you heard that you need to “diet” to lose weight? Well, I bet it’s like a normal everyday conversation if you are fat or have a potbelly. Well, the point is partially true. You need to maintain a kind of flexible, yet strict diet to lose weight and stay fit. But only dieting won’t help, you need to exercise too. Food is one of the basic human necessities. But it’s more necessary to eat what’s good for the well-being of your body.
People often develop various food habits based on their knowledge, but one common oversight is the neglect of nutritional value, a crucial aspect in the realm of personalized healthcare. They indulge in a number of food habits based on their knowledge. The most common thing they forget is to consider the nutritional value. The nutrition your body requires is quite different from what most diets state. Some diets include banning a particular family of nutrients, but this is particularly harmful to your body. Our body requires vitamins, minerals, fat, fiber, carbohydrates, and roughage in balanced quantities. But there are many foods you need to avoid even though it’s ‘healthy’ fame. Some of the personalized healthcare food to avoid for clear skin and healthy well-being are:-
Fruit Juice
Fruit juice, in reality, isn’t a healthier option over soda. Fruit juices have added preservatives and sugar. This makes it as bad as soda. The time taken to eat whole fruit as compared to drinking a glass of juice is very large. Eating 1 apple can take you 5 minutes but drinking a glass of apple juice made of supposedly “six” apples might take about a few seconds. Another disadvantage is while eating whole fruit you can get fiber, fruit juice does not contain it.
Fat-free or Low-fat milk
Opting for low-fat milk as a substitute for whole milk might seem like a healthy choice, but it may not align with the principles of personalized healthcare. Using low-fat milk as a substitute for whole milk is a really bad decision. Whole-fat milk is loaded with proteins and keeps us fuller for a longer time. While low-fat milk is personalized with added sugar, which has increased the risk of diabetes and even cancer. It’s better to use raw organic cow’s milk. Because during the process of pasteurization, the lactase present in milk is converted into lactose, which makes it difficult to digest.
Multigrain products
Multigrain products are not actually wholesome. Having a salad of processed grains is not exactly wholesome. Many of the products under the banner of multigrain are not actually wholesome grains. Wholesome wheat or oats are healthy. Always check the ingredients list to check if the product actually has wholesome grains.
Low carb snack food
These are actually without carbohydrates. It’s good if you want to lose weight. But it doesn’t have any nutritional value whatsoever. It has a lot of chemicals and additives instead. So, this exactly isn’t the healthy food you want to eat.
This fad food is quite popular. But recently it has been found that it’s actually harmful! Margarine is made of unsaturated fat, compared to butter. For this, it was considered a healthy alternative. But now it has been found that it contains trans fat that has harmful effects like heart diseases, cholesterol, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, etc. Even if most margarine today doesn’t have trans fat, they do have other harmful fats, which are also not so good.
Gluten-free food
This food product is currently trending, thanks to the Kardashians. Unless you are intolerant to gluten, there is no need to exclude it from your diet. Gluten food like whole bread has important vitamins that are needed for a healthy diet. So unless you are sensitive to gluten, it’s not harmful.
All categories of energy-giving, bodybuilding, and regulatory food in balanced quantities are required for the proper functioning of our body. But many foods contradict their healthy claim. Hence it is advised to get personalized consultation from expert nutrition practitioners. Visit our website for more such info
What foods do you avoid on a gluten-free diet?
Wheat, rye, and barley are the major foods that need to be avoided while following a gluten-free diet.
Is margarine healthier than butter?
Margarine usually tops butter when it comes to heart health. Margarine is made from vegetable oils, so it contains unsaturated “good” fats. But read the contents behind the pack to check if any trans fat is present. If any then normal butter is preferred
What juices are high in sugar?
All fruit juice — whether it’s apple, orange, grape or a fancy blend such as peach-mango-blueberry — is high in sugar.
What is the healthiest thing to snack on?
Fresh fruits and vegetables, Frozen fruit, Fruits canned in water or their own juice, Whole grain bread, crackers and cereals, Lower fat yogurt, Lower fat cheese, Unsalted nuts and seeds and their butters, Hummus
What nutrients does milk contain?
Milk and other dairy products are excellent sources of calcium, phosphorus. vitamin A, vitamin D, riboflavin, vitamin B12, protein, potassium, zinc, choline, magnesium, and selenium