Health, Other, Physical, Wellness

5 essential exams for women under preventive healthcare system

Essential exams, preventive healthcare

5 essential exams for women: Being healthy is the key to being happy. But being healthy isn’t actually a glass of kale smoothie. It’s about maintaining your body according to your age and medical conditions. It is important to maintain your health for your physical and mental well-being. To make sure you stay healthy, you need to get routine checkups under preventive healthcare. They are basic tests that ensure that you are safe and healthy. Routine checkups once every three months is important. Besides them, there are also some tests that one should do. Diabetes, ECG, Hypertension, etc. are the basic tests that you should undergo every two months. Tests for STD and cancer or any other serious disease is also important. It’s no use taking so many tests and being a lazy potato. Even if your test results are clear, you should constantly work to remain healthy. Doing short workout routines every day is a great start. Start knowing about what you are eating and try to eat as healthy as possible. Drink at least 8 glasses of water daily. Just by staying hydrated, you can be healthy. If you find that you have any disease, the first step is to accept it and not panic. Try to cope with it, if it’s serious. If it is treatable, make sure you follow your doctor’s words strictly. The more aware you are about your condition, the easier it will be for you to stay long and healthy. Some essential exams for women are:-

Cervical cancer screening

Being fit & fine is the key to happiness.

Under preventive healthcare, Cervical cancer screening is an exam for women that helps to know the signs of any tumors or abnormalities. Screenings have helped to decrease the number of deaths. It is usually done through a PAP test. It helps to detect cancer in its early stages. Women of age groups 21-65 are supposed to get PAP tests. In the test, a cotton swab is used to collect cells from the surface of the cervix and vagina. It is usually followed by an HPV test.

Breast cancer screening

Breast cancer is the formation of malignant tissues in the breast. It is the 2nd main cause of death of women in the US. It is usually detected by tests like a mammogram, CBE and MRI. A mammogram is the most common exams for women. It is basically an X-RAY to find tumors. It is useful for women under 50 years. In a CBE, the doctor feels your breasts for anything unusual. Doctors mostly prescribe to touch yourself from time to time, in search for lumps. An MRI is using a magnetic and radio wave to get a detailed picture of the internal organs. It is more accurate to find tumors.

Blood pressure checkup

Routine checkups are very important for your wellbeing.

High blood pressure is a common cardiovascular problem. The normal range of blood pressure is 120/80. If it’s above than this limit, then you might be suffering from hypertension. Hypertension is not a single problem. It is the basic reason for many diseases. If you are older than 35, it’s a good idea to check your BP every week. You can test it at home or visit a physician.

Bone density screening

Under preventive healthcare mechanism, it is majorly used to check for osteoporosis. Bone density screening helps you know the density of your bones, that is, it tell you if your bones are weak enough and have higher chances of breaking. Most women older than 65 needs to get her bone density checked every 2 years.

Colon cancer screening

Consult a doctor whenever you feel like you need to.

It is used to check for polyps and early stages of intestinal cancer. It can be tested through a stool test, sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy. In stool test, the faecalis matter is tested for any traces of blood. In sigmoidoscopy, the lower part of the colon is viewed using a flexible scope. But it only feeds a small part and has risks of missing cancers. That’s why it’s mostly done together with a stool test. Colonoscopy is similar to a sigmoidoscopy, just the entire colon is viewed. If you are or above 50 years, you need to get a screening every 10 years.
Health is wealth. And to preserve this ‘wealth’, women need to take a series of examinations to make sure their body is healthy. These exams for women make oneself aware of the situation and help you prevent or cure the conditions at the right time.

We truly hope you found this article helpful. To know more about this, you can always visit our website and book a preventive healthcare consultation session to get personalized and preventive healthcare solutions to your problems.

  1. How often should one get a full body check up?

    For those who are healthy and under 35, they can go for a full body check ups in every 2 to 3 years.

  2. Is annual check up important for people who are healthy?

    If you are healthy, you necessarily don’t need an annual check up but it’s good if you get one in two years.

  3. How important is full body checkup?

    It is very important that we undergo full body checkups to see and understand our bodily changes.

  4. Is fasting important before going for certain checkups?

    Well it depends from test to test, but for certain tests it is required to do fasting to get the accurate results.

  5. How much time does checkups take?

    Checkups can take about 30 minutes to 2 hours to complete, but it will always vary from test to test.

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