Getting bald? Control it!
Seeing a few strands falling off your head and you are convinced you are going to go bald! According to a study conducted by the UK’s NHS, nearly half the men in the world suffer from baldness- most of them even before they hit 50! Control that balding hairline before it goes out of hand!
Causes of Baldness
When it comes to baldness, genetics are first in line to be blamed. Each hair has a definite growth cycle. When you suffer from baldness, the cycle weakens, causing hair follicles to shrink. This is what causes you to have shorter and finer hair. Eventually, the growth cycle will stop altogether and your hair will start falling.
Combination of factors
Usually, those who suffer from baldness have a combination of factors:
- Stress is known to lead to hair loss and exacerbate to baldness.
- Aging is one of the most obvious and common causes of baldness in men. But these days even youngsters are getting bald.
- Scalp infections like ringworms too can thin out the hair.
- Any medical condition associated with hair loss can make you go bald. Even a bout of infection or fever can lead to a special type of hair loss called telogen effluvium.
- Insufficient protein in the diet can also lead to baldness because your body will redirect the proteins by shutting down hair growth. Iron deficiency can also reduce hair growth.
Cure for baldness: what works and what does not!
Considering the seriousness and magnitude of the problem, it is understandable that a number of myths surround this issue. We will filter the fact from the fiction to tell you what works and what certainly does not!
Cure #1: Onion juice
Since onion juice contains sulfur, it is said that it can promote hair growth and hence can cure your baldness. Some sources say that rubbing onion juice on your scalp can help sprout dormant hair follicles.
Balding hairline
The verdict: Myth! While onion juice may be helpful for enhancing the volume of your hair, its effects on hair growth are less certain with dermatologists wary of the effects on hair regeneration.
Cure #2: Massage
Getting a massage is said to prevent hair loss. It is said that regular oil massages will help increase circulation and improve the flow of blood and oxygen to your hair follicles. It is even said that messaging can help remove any toxins that may have accumulated on your scalp and damaging your hair growth.
The verdict: Myth! While a head massage may boost circulation to your scalp, it isn’t poor circulation that leads to baldness in the first place. The important factor here is what you massage onto your scalp as that would determine hair health and regrowth.
Cure #3: Indian Gooseberry or Amla
Hair loss can be triggered by nutritional deficiencies. The Ayurveda system of medicine stresses on the benefits of eating amla for boosting hair growth. Many people apply the oil from this plant or eat it raw.
The verdict: Fact! The Ayurveda system of medicine is still followed for a reason, Amla is packed with vitamins and minerals. It can halt premature graying and hair loss. The fatty acids in amla can strengthen hair follicles. The carotene and iron in amla can also accelerate hair growth.
Cure #4: Aloe vera gel
Many believe that aloe vera can help to take care of baldness due to its antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and soothing properties.
The verdict: Fact! Aloe vera removes dryness from the scalp and restores the acid base equilibrium, thus, promoting hair growth. It also acts as a natural conditioner due to its soothing and restoring effects on hair and scalp.
Cure #5: Olive oil
It is said that olive oil can keep your scalp healthy and promote the growth of hair and to nourish your scalp.
The verdict: Fact! Massaging hot olive oil onto your scalp blocks hair loss promoting agents on your scalp and thus promote healthy hair growth.
To sum it up!
Although there is no scientifically proven way to reverse baldness, these techniques can be used to help you fight premature hair fall and keep your hair healthy. Remember, the best way to take care of your hair health is by determining if you are at risk and then following the healthy techniques of keeping yourself hydrated and the good old ‘champi’!