Chicken pox
Chickenpox: Chickenpox, a disease which is caused by the varicella-zoster virus is also known as varicella. It is usually tender but it may be very severe in infants, adults, and people with a hinder immune system. It is characterized by the presence of rashes on the skin and fever, along with itching and blisters. Approximately, everyone in 1 in 3000 adults dies from chickenpox. Although it is not a serious infection, any youngster who suffers from chickenpox will be required to miss out on school. If you had chickenpox once, you will probably not have it again. Every human being has one-lifetime experience of getting chicken pox. This infection provides immunity from the disease itself. Chickenpox is a communicable disease as you can get it from a person who is infected and sneezes coughs or shares food. If you live with someone who is suffering from this infection, you are at higher risk because of close contact.
Chickenpox, a disease which is caused by the varicella-zoster virus is also known as varicella.
Symptoms of chickenpox
First features of chickenpox usually develop after 14-16 days of contact with a person infected with it. Most of the people feel sick and feverish, sore throat, headache, and a decreased appetite. The itchy chickenpox rash appears after 1 to 2 days of symptoms. A rash is the key visual symptom of detecting this disease. They appear first on the face and scalp, then slowly spread down to the body. Prevention practices must be started as soon as possible to reduce the illness and the risk for problems. Some methods of preventions are antiviral medication or an injection of varicella zoster immune globulin.
First features of chickenpox usually develop after 14-16 days of contact with a person infected with it.
Home remedies for chicken pox
Also, there are few simple home remedies such as the follows :
1. Drink lots of liquids such as water, soup, and juice.
2. Keep your nails short and clean, and cover hands with gloves to prevent scratching.
3. Keep your skin cool to avoid itchiness.
4. Avoid hot bath and showers.
5. Dress lightly.
6.Ask your doctor for lotions and ointments that will reduce itchiness.
7. Keep yourself away from your family member as you don’t want them to suffer.
Drink lots of liquids such as water, soup, and juice.
Chickenpox treatment
If one is exposed to this infection, his/her treatment depends on his/her age, personal health and gravity of the illness. Most of the adults and healthy children require only home treatment. Home treatment comprises of resting and taking prescribed medicines. One can also bathe in oatmeal baths to help with the itching problem. Usually, children get the chickenpox vaccine as part of their scheduled immunizations. In those of us who are not vaccinated, after we encounter with this infection, the varicella virus stays with us for the whole of our lives. People who can afford an expensive medication namely Aciclovir (ACV) are at the benefit as this medication if taken within the first 24 hours of the appearance of the opening rashes, it decreases the appearance of new lesions by 25 percent.
Chickenpox is the only disease which says that “ we have lived in your body and now we are going out for forever. Goodbye.”  So today, we jotted down all the facts related to chicken pox. Remember, your body will cure itself through its natural defenses, with no serious obstacles.