Tips for dealing with monsoon seasons !
Tips for dealing with monsoon seasons: Rejoice! The monsoon is here. Rain is grace. Without it, can you imagine life? Today our topic is related to monsoon season, basically how to deal with it. Monsoons have arrived people. Excited? Monsoon season has always been fun. They are a welcoming change from the unbearable summer heat. Farmer’s waiting for the crop to yield or a child waiting for a rain bath, rain is a wonderful thing. Let’s now talk about some tips that will make your monsoon season more superior. They are listed below. Read on about tips for monsoon!
1. Monsoon season is the season where the body and digestive system are most prone to infections. Following a healthy diet is extremely essential for this season. First of all, make sure to consume only filtered or boiled water as in this season diseases are mostly water-borne. Intake of Vitamin C will boost your immunity system. Read on about tips for monsoon!
Monsoon season is the season where the body and digestive system are most prone to infections.
The rain is so cool!
2. Everybody knows that rain is so cool and loves to walk out there. But you should avoid walking in the rain. Walking in the rain will make you prone to leptospirosis and also can lead to fungal infections at the feet. Also, don’t roam around in wet clothes. Read on about tips for monsoon!
Everybody knows that the rain is so cool and loves to walk out there.
Mosquito repellents are your friends!
3. Never exit home without a mosquito repellent. Assembled water is a breeding ground for insects and monsoons are a party time for malaria. During the night, a mosquito net will be your good friends. Read on about tips for monsoon!
Never exit home without a mosquito repellent.
4. Shower before leaving your crib and don’t forget to shower again when you come back. It will insulate you against infections all day long. Have a good day. Read on about tips for monsoon!
Shower before leaving your crib and don’t forget to shower again when you come back.
Remain sufficiently dry!
5. Remain sufficiently dry always by carrying an umbrella always with you as rain in monsoons is very unpredictable. Read on about tips for monsoon!
Remain sufficiently dry always by carrying an umbrella always with you as rain in monsoons is very unpredictable.
Refrain from touching your eyes!
6. Refrain from touching your eyes or rubbing them in this season. If ignored, it can lead to blindness. Eye problems like dry eyes and corneal ulcers are very common in this season. Consult a good doctor for treatment. Read on about tips for monsoon!
Refrain from touching your eyes or rubbing them in this season.
Keep away from street food!
7. Keep away from street food at this time of year. Water pollution and pollution of raw vegetables is common during the monsoon season. One can easily fall ill from contaminants. Read on about tips for monsoon!
Keep away from street food at this time of year.
Avoid spicy food!
8. One must avoid spicy food during monsoon. It’s completely normal to incline towards spicy food at this point but avoid it as much as you can because spicy food will lead you to allergies and irritation. Read on about tips for monsoon!
Stagnant water!
9. Stagnant water will be easily available at your home and outside. To avoid malaria and dengue, avoid stagnant water. Just collect the water and throw it away in water coolers or unused tank. Read on about tips for monsoon!
To avoid malaria and dengue, avoid stagnant water.
Monsoon fruits!
10. Fruits are very good to eat in the monsoons. Mangoes, pomegranates, and apples are highly recommended. Fruits will also make your immune system strong which will prevent you from diseases and infections. Read on about tips for monsoon!
Fruits are very good to eat in the monsoons.
Maintain a good personal hygiene during this period. Wash your hands before eating meals, after meals and after going to the loo. Monsoons are surely lovely but it can harm your lifestyle if preventions are not taken. These were some tips to deal with the monsoon. Rainy days should be spent at home with a cup of tea and a good book.