7 Ways to Overcome Inactivity with Personalized Healthcare
A sedentary lifestyle is one of the major causes of chronic health conditions and is becoming a significant public health issue. According to various studies, it is found that around 85% of corporates are affected by a sedentary lifestyle in the private sector while there are only 8% of government employees that suffer from such issues. Research has found that physical inactivity and sitting for longer than four hours per day greatly increases your risk for cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and a number of other obesity-related conditions. Therefore it is important to act on such issues before it is too late and follow the tips of personalized healthcare that can help us overcome the ill-effects of a sedentary lifestyle.
Fixing a sedentary lifestyle may be difficult at first but the value of being more physically active is worth it for the myriad benefits it brings. If you are stuck at a desk all day or just struggling to get motivated for exercise, here are 7 tricks of personalized healthcare that can help you to overcome the ill effects of a sedentary lifestyle.
Take the long route
If you are using a car then you should park your car at the farthest parking spot. And always take the long route to reach your destination so that you can walk around before entering it. Walking can prove to be a panacea for overcoming the ill-effects of a sedentary lifestyle.
Climb the stairs
We all prefer elevators over stairs but we don’t know how those extra steps can make a huge impact on your health. Climbing the stairs instead of elevators give you extra energy to get through the rest of your workday.
Communicate face to face
Communicating through emails and telephones make it easy for us to sit at our desks all day long. But this is not a good idea, instead, you can walk across the room and speak with your coworkers face-to-face.
Stroll around your parking lot
Strolling around your parking lot can make a huge difference and can help you improve and maintain your health. If you want to communicate with your boss you can plan a walking meeting, this will help you improve your creative thinking.
Choose active entertainment
One should always choose active entertainment over passive entertainment. Giving preference to outdoor games such as cricket, football, etc. can help you remain active. It is one of the best ways to overcome the ill-effects of a sedentary lifestyle through personalized healthcare.
Fidgeting, stretching, and another non-exercise movement can help you in various ways. During the ad breaks, you can get up and walk around the house rather than switching channels. This will help maintain your blood flow.
Enjoy music and dance
You can enjoy your favourite music and dance during the breaks you get at work or whenever you feel like enjoying them. This exercise is a great way to unwind at the end of a busy day. This is a fun way to overcome the ill-effects of a sedentary lifestyle.
Apart from all these activities, you can also plan a wellness tour for 4-5 days. There are many wellness centres that provide you with the best services to rejuvenate your life through personalized healthcare. They can help you as well as your employees to overcome the ill-effects of a sedentary lifestyle. If you want to bring excitement to your boring schedule then contact Aanya Wellness today to know more about the benefits of an efficient wellness tour and program. Also if you wish then you can choose to book a preventive healthcare consultation session at Aanya Wellness to get personalized and preventive healthcare solutions to your problems.
For how long we should walk everyday to maintain our health?
Walking for 30 minutes everyday or most of the days in a week can be very beneficial for the body and can help to maintain the overall health.
Is sitting at one spot for a long time bad for our body?
Sitting or even lying down for too long can be bad for the body, and can increase the risk of getting chronic health problems.
Can climbing stairs lead to weight loss?
Yes, if you are climbing say 10 flights of stairs a day, then it can definitely lead to weight loss.
How long is it healthy to sit in one go?
It is advisable to sit at one spot for less than 3-4 hours in a stretch.
How much exercise we should do everyday to maintain our overall health?
In general, exercising for at least 30 minutes everyday can help the body to remain fit and healthy.