Naturopathy: Tips to Natural Healing
The human body itself is capable of fighting against diseases, the only thing we need to learn is how to take care of it. You can remain healthy by embracing nature which is rich in resources that help you naturally heal. There is plenty of evidence that having a connection with nature is good for our health, well-being, and happiness. We are a part of nature and its importance in healing can never be overlooked. There are many Naturopathy tips for a healthy body. Doctors also recommend taking a stroll in nature or gardening in case of stress and anxiety. This comes under natural ways of healing that can be scientifically termed “Naturopathy”.
In Naturopathy, the five elements named sky, water, fire, air, and earth are treated as the basis of healing. There are many diseases that can be treated with Naturopathy. This includes joint pain, arthritis, spondylitis, piles, constipation, gas, acidity, peptic ulcer, fatty liver, colitis, migraine, obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, respiratory disease, asthma, bronchitis, COPD (chronic, obstructive pulmonary disease) and skin diseases.
So, if you also want to adopt a holistic approach to wellness, here are some major Naturopathy tips for a healthy body and healing naturally that you must follow:
A good morning routine
Wake up early with a smile on your face and start your day with a positive attitude. Involve some physical exercises in your morning routine. Do some stretches or yoga, or meditation to maintain a healthy mind-body balance. This will attract positive energy to your life.
Enjoy a contrast shower
Start with a hot shower for 2 to 3 minutes. Slowly turn down the water temperature from hot to cold and take a cold shower for 1 minute. Repeat this procedure for 5 to 10 minutes. It will stimulate lymphatic circulation, eliminates toxins, and improves blood circulation.
Good food for natural healing
Begin your day with a glass of lukewarm water mixed with the juice of half a lemon. You can also mix honey with water. It will help in maintaining body weight and clean your body from within. Eat regularly, don’t skip meals, chew your food properly and have a balanced diet.
Spend your day in productive activities
Do things that you truly love to do. Write your goals and work on them. Get up every hour throughout the day, even if it’s only for 30 seconds to facilitate proper blood flow. Try walking, stretching, jogging, yoga, or Tai Chi. Try deep breathing through the nose. It is one of the major naturopathy tips for a healthy body.
Sun Soaking
Spend 15-20 minutes of your day in sun-soaking. Sun is a good source of Vitamin D and we all know that it is beneficial for stronger bones. It also helps in better absorption of your calcium intake. It also promotes eye health and provides many other health benefits.
Have a sound sleep
Good sleep promotes your well-being and is necessary for a good morning. Consume your food for 3 hours before going to bed. Say no to your computer or mobile screens 2 hours before sleeping. Read a good book, take a hot shower, recite a prayer, etc. before going to bed. This will help you sleep well.
Other major naturopathy tips for natural healing and a healthy body include:
- Take an Epsom salt bath with a few drops of chamomile or lavender essential oil to promote a deeper sense of relaxation.
- Add Neem leaves in warm water and bath with it to get rid of various skin problems.
- Give your body a great massage by applying essential oils such as eucalyptus, chamomile, etc. on your body.
- Sleep in complete darkness to maintain hormone balance. It will also promote better sleep as darkness increases the release of melatonin.
- Perform breathing exercises daily before going to bed. It helps increase the production of melatonin which reduces anxiety.
- Avoid the use of a pillow during sleep to strengthen your heart and brain.
- Drinking a glass of water before sleep reduces the chances of cardiac arrest while sleeping.
- Avoid eating fast, junk, or fried food and focus on whole organic foods, preferably fresh and locally sourced.
- Add 1 or 2 cloves to your tea, it will help treat breathing problems. Use Aloe Vera as a natural moisturizer or as a remedy for sunburns.
So, these were some of the major Naturopathy tips for a healthy body. The most amazing thing about natural ways of healing is that they have minor or no side effects. Naturopathy remedies are based on the principle that diseases can be successfully cured or prevented without the use of medications, and by control of diet, natural ways of treatment, yoga, and meditation. To know more about the natural ways to lead a productive life.
What is naturopathy?
A system of treatment of disease that avoids drugs and surgery and emphasizes the use of natural agents such as air, water, herbs etc
How effective can this treatment work for me?
Naturopathy cures patients suffering from chronic ailments in comparatively less time than any other form of medicine. Naturopathy treats all the aspects like physical, mental, social, and spiritual at the same time. Naturopathy treats the body as a whole.
Is naturopathy good in treating mental illness?
Naturopathy for mental illness helps in treating the entire individual and creates the ability within them to heal themselves.
Can naturopathy cure all diseases?
Naturopathy Cures Patients suffering from chronic ailments are also treated successfully in comparatively less time by Naturopathy. In Nature Cure, the suppressed diseases are brought to the surface and are removed permanently.
Can I do naturopathy at home?
Yes, by following the simple tips listed above in the article to see effective results for overall wellness