The best home remedies to naturally heal respiratory problems- Try yoga for respiratory problems
Going out in cold and dry air can cause problems for most people and the situation becomes even more problematic for asthma patients. During the winter, the risk of an attack increases significantly. This has been revealed in much research done so far. The problem of asthma increases due to the dry air and the changing weather in the cold. You can opt for yoga for respiratory problems as practicing yoga is one of the best natural ways to keep your lungs healthy and naturally heal.Â
During the winter season, the respiratory tract of asthmatics gets swollen. Due to this, they have difficulty in breathing. It has been found in much research that wintertime is not considered good for asthma patients. However, we can take care of our respiratory tracts and naturally heal by following some home remedies. There are numerous home remedies and yoga for respiratory problems.Â
Today, we are going to tell you some tips to protect your respiratory tract and these are as follows:
Wear warm clothes
The easiest and most effective way to avoid the cold is to wear warm clothes. Wearing warm clothes during winters can lower your chances of getting ill or catching a cold or infection. So, it is advisable to keep your chest covered with warm inner-wear. Many times you develop a cough or cold just because you were not warm enough, which can cause serious asthma attacks, so always wear woolen clothes.
Drink warm/mildly warm water
It is advised to drink warm water during changing weather. If you are suffering from a sore throat then start drinking hot water from today. Warm water ends the dryness of the throat. Do not drink cold water or cold drinks in winter. Do not eat ice creams or ingest cold drinks if you have asthma. Coldwater irritates the windpipe in winter and can cause you to develop a cough. In extreme cases, it can even cause an asthma attack.
Wash hands frequently
Wash your hands thoroughly and frequently with mild soap and water. This is the easiest way to prevent the spread of the virus and the cold. Hand sanitizers can also be used. Also, it is important to explain to your children the importance of washing hands so that germs do not spread in the house. Keep your hands and surroundings clean so that germs do not spread from one person to another. Also, avoid breathing through the mouth as it can make the situation worse.
Avoid fireplaces
Even warming your hands in fire provides you comfort during the winters, but it is not right if you have asthma. Studies considered tobacco and burning wood to be the same. Smoke can cause lung problems and can be dangerous in the case of asthma. It can trigger serious and surprise asthma attacks and can even lead to choking in many cases. So, avoid sitting near fireplaces.
Try to remain stress-free
Stress is considered to be a major trigger of asthma attacks. So, try to be positive and don’t stress your mind and body. Distance yourself from the atmosphere of fear and tension. Do not panic in any situation and stay calm and stress-free. Have a sound sleep and take a balanced diet and perform breathing exercises. It is the most effective natural healing way.
You can also try yoga for respiratory problems. There are numerous breathing exercises and yoga poses for respiratory problems such as Anulom Vilom Pranayama, Nadi Shodhan Pranayama, Kapalbhati Pranayama, Savasana, to name a few. So, these were some of the natural healing ways through which you can keep yourself safe from sudden and surprise attacks of asthma.Â
However, in case of an emergency, it is always advisable to seek medical help.
Stay home, stay safe and stay healthy.
What is asthma?
Asthma is a long-term disease of the airways in the lungs. It is a very common respiratory problem and its symptoms are caused by inflammation, which makes the airways irritant, red, swollen, and narrower. This may cause recurrent attacks of wheezing, difficulty in breathing, chest tightness, and coughing.
Who gets asthma?
Asthma often runs in families, which means that your chances of developing asthma increase if someone in your family already has it. Children with eczema or food allergy always remain at a higher risk of developing asthma. Allergy to pollen, house dust mites, pets, and cold is also some of the major causes of asthma. Exposure to tobacco smoke, fire smoke, air pollution, and cold and dry air, can also cause asthma symptoms in those with an underlying tendency to asthma.
What are the natural ways to treat asthma?
There are many natural remedies that may ease your symptoms, reduce the amount of medication you need to take, and generally improve the quality of your life. Try breathing exercises such as Anulom Vilom Pranayama, Nadi Shodhan Pranayama, and Kapalbhati Pranayama, drink warm water, remain stress-free, sleep properly, and eat healthy food, avoid smoking and sitting near fireplaces, and maintain proper hygiene to keep yourself protected from asthma attacks during winters.
Can weather changes trigger asthma?Â
Yes, sudden weather changes can trigger asthma attacks in some people. These sudden weather changes can cause the release of allergens, such as pollen, which makes the situation worse for people with allergy-related asthma. Cold and dry air during winters can also act as a major irritant for asthma and can have a direct effect on inflamed airways.
Is asthma a chronic disease?
Yes, it is a chronic disease that causes inflammation and narrowing of the airways. And if left untreated, you will have repeated attacks of asthma symptoms. You can ease the symptoms by following various natural remedies. However, it is always advisable to seek medical help in case of any emergency. Proper medication along with natural home remedies can really help ease the symptoms.