Food items that cause allergy
Food items that cause allergy: Food allergies have been trending recently. There are more than 120 food items that can lead to an allergy unexpectedly. People need to be aware of foods that can cause allergies. According, to Center’s for Disease Control and Prevention, it is estimated to affect 4 to 6 percent of children and 4 percent of adults. Even the common products we intake on daily basis have the tendency to cause allergy.
Here are some food items that can lead to allergies :
1. Eggs :
According to experts, 2 percent of children are allergic to eggs. When we eat eggs, the body looks at the protein as a foreign particle and sends out chemicals to defend against it. Such chemicals cause the symptoms of an allergic reaction. Few symptoms are stomach pain,
respiratory problem and skin reactions such as hive or rashes. To prevent the same from happening that one can stop eating eggs or also make sure to go through the food labels.
According to experts, 2 percent of children are allergic to eggs.
2. Tree nuts :
There’s often confusion between tree nuts and peanuts but peanuts are legumes, not nuts. According to studies, at least 25 to 40 percent of individuals who are allergic to peanuts also react to at least one tree nut. Allergy caused by tree nut is frequently linked to anaphylaxis, a rare allergic reaction that needs to be treated right away. Few symptoms are difficulty in swallowing, nausea, and shortness of breath. For treating the same one can avoid tree nuts or one needs an epinephrine shot as soon as possible or it may lead to loss of life.
There’s often confusion between tree nuts and peanuts but peanuts are legumes,
not nuts.
3. Wheat allergy:
One is at greater risk of developing an allergy to wheat if he/she comes from a family in which allergic diseases such as asthma are common. It is the most common type of allergy in children usually even before they hit puberty. It is most common in toddlers, who have an undeveloped immune system. Some symptoms are asthma, headaches and stuffy or a runny nose. For handling it in an appropriate manner one should strictly avoid wheat in all forms and also read labels before consuming any product.
One is at greater risk of developing an allergy to wheat if he/she comes from a
family in which allergic diseases such as asthma are common.
People need to brush up on the facts and everybody must be aware of allergies to stay safe and to live well with food allergies. About 20 percent of the people believe that they have food allergies but as a matter of the fact, only 5 percent of people actually do.