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Explore ultimate whitehead home remedies

Explore the ultimate home remedies for whiteheads: 
Whiteheads are a form of acne that appears on the skin. It may appear on your face, neck, back, and chests of young adults and teenagers in the form of bumps. Like any other acne, whiteheads are caused by dead skin cells, oil, and bacteria that chokes pores and hair follicles on your skin. Often showing up as a tiny white spot of the skin, are at time so small that these are not visible to naked eyes. Either white or yellowish in color is quite firm and cannot be squeezed out. In general, whiteheads do not become inflamed but can cause serious scars on the skin if not attended to in time. We hope you will like this article regarding whitehead home remedies.

Reasons for whiteheads!

There is no clear evidence to prove, why whiteheads happen, but puberty and hormonal changes are considered as one of the major reason for the same. Other reasons high levels of humidity, use of cosmetics, sweating, stress and improper hygiene conditions are also considered as possible causes. 

Benefits of home remedies for removing whiteheads

There exists a wide variety of treatments and medication available to treat whiteheads. However, these medications can cause side effects like skin irritations and burning sensations. However, there are a lot of white head home remedies available for effective treatment of whiteheads.
Listed below are a few tips that can be undertaken at home to get rid of whiteheads:-

Facial steam 

It is considered as one of the best remedies to treat whiteheads, facial steam helps open up the blocked pores and hair follicles thus preventing dead skin cells, oil or dirt to block them.This method is very effective for oily skin types and can be done in two ways –
Boil water in a pan and cover your face with a towel over the pan, allowing the steam to get trapped and your face getting exposed to it. Allow your face to soak in the steam for a couple of minutes. After receiving enough steam, pat your face dry with a clean towel. In another way, you can soak a clean towel and squeeze out the excess water. Place the hot towel over your face to cover it. Repeat for a few times per session. This is one of the super easy to follow whitehead home remedies.

Oatmeal Paste

It is a natural exfoliate. Oatmeal helps to get rid of dead skin cells and dirt, thus opening the blocked skin pores causing whiteheads and acne. It also removes excess oil from the skin. This is one of the super easy to follow whitehead home remedies.

Remove whiteheads with oatmeal!

A great oatmeal paste can help you get rid of those whiteheads!

A paste is to be made using lemon juice, honey, yogurt and powdered oatmeal. A few drops of apple cider vinegar can also be added for better results. Dampen your skin before you apply the paste mixture and keep it on for a few minutes. Rinse and pat dry later. Use once or twice a week for better results. This is one of the super easy to follow whitehead home remedies.

Sugar scrub

Make a paste out of a mixture of sugar, honey and a few drops of lemon juice. Apply the paste to the skin and massage in a circular motion before leaving it for few minutes. Rinse and pat dry using a wet towel. Repeat this process every once or twice a week, on a regular basis! This is one of the super easy to follow whitehead home remedies.
This sugar scrub will work wonders for your skin. It helps in removing debris and excess oil over the pores and does not cause dryness.

Scrubs help your scrub out

A great sugar scrub can help you out!

Whiteheads, if not treated and taken care of on time, can be very painful and leave permanent scars on the skin. Home remedial solutions are in a way preventive measures that help in maintaining a healthy skin type and prevent the whiteheads from affecting you. However, it is always suggested that in case the remedial precautions undertaken at home does not give you relief, it is advised to consult a medical practitioner without delay.
Apart from home remedies or medical aids suggested below are a few precautionary habits that will ensure and healthy and beautiful skin:-

  • Wash your skin with a mild soap and lukewarm water twice daily.
  • Try to avoid using cosmetics and skin enhancers.
  • Use oil-free products for skins.
  • Avoid squeezing acne and touching them.
  • Take due precautions while shaving.
  • Avoid sun exposure as much possible, this leads to skin irritations and burns.
  • Wear loose clothes and cotton over nonsynthetic fabrics.

 It is very important to know the cause of the acne. If the same is because of hormonal changes, medical care is important as oral contraceptives. In case of infections and inflammations, antibiotics are recommended by doctors.

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