Turning Stress into Success: A Wellness Retreat Journey
“If you feel you have everything going for you but are still not satisfied and it feels like something invisible is eating you up inside, then read this piece on wellness retreat!”
Anyone would undoubtedly say 2003 was a story of success. I had been running my own business for six years and at same time I was managing stress. I had grown from a solopreneur to a private limited company. Furthermore completed a merger and an acquisition. Along with it floated 3 other companies and was itching to strike a joint venture with a Singaporean firm to move to the next level as well.
On the personal front, I had acquired an IIT-IIM education, as well as had been the President of a Rotary Club, and enjoyed a vast circle of buddy-families. But even so it still was not a story of success and it took me sometime to understand why and what’s going wrong on my path to success. And later I also got to know about Wellness Retreat that indeed helped me with all of it.
What was missing?
On one hot, rainy afternoon that year, my colleague, Bharat, dropped into my comfortable Banjara Hills Bungalow, and while he was sipping his tea, asked me whether I knew where I was going. I scoffed at him. Of course, I knew. I clearly was on my way to start playing globally in my field. What an undoubtedly stupid question!
Well, he pushed, and then what? We will obviously have multinational clients, I said. More money. More reputation without a doubt. Bharat pointed out that we already had global clients… and they depressed me quite a bit.
I realized he was right. It troubled me that the large companies that we serviced were engaging extremely bright young graduates to process silly insurance claims and credit card complaints about their overseas clients. Surely, I thought, these boys and girls could use their potential for better things than that.
Why did they work there? The lure of money? Cushy job? Or drain-brain as opposed to the brain-drain of my generation?
Whatever it was, I could not digest that an entire generation was coming up before our eyes , whose sole purpose was to solve problems other people should not have created in the first place. Was that the purpose of life? Could we label these large businesses as stories of success? Or as mere sweatshops with fancy lobbies and cubicles, exploiting cheap labor?
On that rainy afternoon, the reason behind my dissatisfaction, and seeming lack of success came clear to me i was trying to manage my stress. And if you are an achiever who feels the same way… wondering what is missing…
Here are my 3 top lessons for you:
- Society’s standard of success does not determine your success. It is determined by what you consider it worthwhile to do with your life
- Your purpose is not to merely get busy making name, fame, and fortune. It has to be to contribute to the prosperity of others passionately
- The pursuit of shiny objects outside of you will stress you. Your life will get real meaning when you look for the dusky glow inside of you
To complete my story, five years from that day, I walked away from my businesses, handing them over to other Directors. I sensed myself as a contented achiever and went to the monasteries of Sikkim for a deep dive into Energy Work or what we can call it as Wellness Retreat as well. I worked in remote villages for several years after that. Conducted Inner Power personal energy workshops across four continents.
For those who don’t what happens at Wellness Retreats, it basically includes morning or evening meditation, yoga practice, a healthy workout routine, energy work treatment, etc. Nowadays Wellness Retreats are a gateway from your daily stressful routine to a more refreshing curriculum.
I managed stress and turned it into my story of success . And now, as an online coach, I’d love to meet you here at Aanya! Also at Aanya Wellness, you can easily book a consultation session to get personalized and preventive healthcare support to help your body and soul.
How can Wellness Retreat programs help us?
The results from the program shows both positive changes in metabolic and neurological pathways, other than that it simply improves the overall health.
Does going on retreats has a long-term value?
Yes, retreats have long-term benefits, as it improves one’s overall lifestyle.
Why do we need Wellness Retreats?
Retreats provide a much healthy alternative to a normal and regular holiday break. It gives you a chance to improve your wellbeing both physically and mentally.
Do Wellness Retreats work?
Research has showed, the participants who went on retreats showed a lot of improvement in their wellbeing, more relaxed and happy.
Does taking stress really hamper our working life?
Absolutely yes, as because of taking a lot of stress, we lose energy drastically and thus we couldn’t able to work with our full efficiency.