Beauty, Body, Face, Skin and body

The truth about indoor tanning

Tanning is the browning or darkening of the skin, as by exposure to the sun.
Until the late 19th century in Europe and the United States, pale skin was a symbol of high social class among white people. But as the working classes moved from country work to city factories, and too crowded, dark, unsanitary homes, pale skin became increasingly associated with poverty and ill health. Since then, the color tan which is a pale tone of brown has become a fashion accessory. This practice finds its cultural contradiction in Asian Countries where societies are into skin whitening. Both “indoor tanning” and “Skin Whitening” support multibillion-dollar industries.


Human Skin has cells by the name Melanocytes which return pigment called melanin under the process of Melanogenesis.This production melanin is the body’s natural defense against UV radiation, which is also responsible for providing us with Vitamin D.Melanin is of two colors; red and dark brown and so are the types of Ultraviolet Rays, one UVA, and the other UVB. UVA is responsible for the darkening of existing melanin and its redistribution. UVB is responsible for the production of new melanocytes. As a person is exposed to sunlight both these UV rays act on the skin.


Tanning of skin is achieved through various ways. One is the world’s most common form of tanning, that is, under the sun. The sun acts as the source of Ultraviolet rays darkening the pale skin. Another is sunless tanning where various formulas of stains are used to darken the skin. This removes the harmful effects of UV rays, it is free from it.
Yet another way is the indoor tanning wherein an effect similar to the sun is imitated using technological inventions.In 1890 the Danish physician Niels Ryberg Finsen developed a carbon arc lamp that produced ultraviolet radiation for use in skin therapy, however, these UV lamps emitted a large percentage of UVB, leading to burns.

Tanning salons

Years later, Friedrich Wolff, a German scientist, began using UV light on athletes and developed beds that emitted 95% UVA and 5% UVB, which reduced the likelihood of burning. In 1978 Wolff’s devices began selling in the United States, and the indoor tanning industry was born. The first tanning salons opened in Europe and North America in the late 1970s.At present, the world of indoor tanning offers Lambs, sunbeds, and booths requiring one to stand.
Reasons for tanning could include improving appearance, feeling good and treating a skin condition.

Indoor tanning

Adding to these, one can think of the specific benefits of indoor tanning.That is, a uniform tan is easier to achieve in a tanning unit than in the sun, a desire to avoid the tan line.Also,  tanning beds deliver more consistent, predictable exposure than the sun.Coupled with these advantages of indoor tanning are the dark disadvantages. Indoor tanning has been recognized to incur a psychiatric disorder. Skin cancer, skin aging, wrinkle production, liver spots, loss of skin elasticity, reddening of the skin, sunburn, photokeratitis, eye cancer and infections are only increasing their hold on us.
With one thing leading to the other, indoor tanning has been proven of a great relief for many.In areas where sunlight penetration is low, they are no less than a miracle.Tapping the healing powers on UV rays these are being used in a great many places. However, the cons are quite weighted too.
Keeping both in mind, one should make you of tanning process wisely.

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