Some effective ways of getting rid of a double chin under personalized healthcare
Some effective ways of getting rid of a double chin : A double chin, also known as submental fat, is a common condition that occurs when a layer of fat forms below your chin. A double chin is often associated with weight gain, but you don’t have to be overweight to have one. Genetics or looser skin resulting from aging may also cause a double chin.
While there are surgical procedures that can eliminate a double chin, they can be expensive. There are many simple home treatment options and exercises under personalized healthcare that can help you to get rid of extra layer under the chin. Get rid of that double chin!
Chew sugarless gum
You should keep your facial muscles well toned and give the muscle in your jawline a workout in order to get rid of the double chin. One of the best ways to do that is to chew sugarless gum several times a day.  Sugar free chewing gum can also help you maintain healthy teeth and gum. This method of personalized healthcare will surely help you get rid of the double chin.
Natural mask with glycerin
You can also make a natural mask with glycerin to get rid of double chin. Mix 1 tbsp. glycerin, ½ tbsp. of Epsom salt and a few drops of peppermint oil. Use cotton pads to apply the mixture on the neck and chin area and leave it on for several minutes so that it absorbs into the skin. Wash the area thoroughly with cool water. Repeat this five times a week to get positive results. Â
Massage with wheat germ oil
Regular massage with wheat germ oil is another effective way to get rid of that extra layer. Wheat germ oil has the goodness of vitamin E oil that will nourish and help tighten the skin. Gently massage some wheat germ oil from the bottom of the neck to chin for 10 to 15 minutes and leave it overnight. Do this daily to see the improvement. Double chin no more!
Cocoa butter massage
Massaging twice a day with cocoa butter tightens the skin. Warm a few tablespoons of cocoa butter and massage in the morning before taking a bath and every night before going to bed.
Melon, too, can help tone the skin and reduce double chin. Extract fresh juice and apply using cotton pads and then massage. Leave for 20 minutes and then wash off. Under personalized healthcare, for best results combine melon and apple juice.
Some exercises that may help strengthen and tone your double chin area
Tongue press
Sitting with your back straight and shoulders down, tilt your head back so that you are looking at the ceiling. Forcefully press your tongue flat to the roof of your mouth. Then, keeping your tongue against the roof of your mouth lower your chin to your chest as far as possible without rounding your upper back. You should fell your chin and the front of your neck contact. Then relax your tongue and straighten your neck to return to the starting position. That’s one rep., complete two sets of 20 reps.
Kiss the ceiling
Standing tall with your arms hanging at your sides, tilt your head back so that you are looking at the ceiling. Then try to kiss the ceiling by puckering your lips and extending them as far away from your face as possible. You should feel a tightening throughout your neck and chin. Hold for five seconds, then relax your lips and lower your chin to return to the starting the position. That’s one rep., complete two sets of 15 reps.
For this exercise, you need to make two fists and place them directly under your chin. Then begin to move your lower jaw slightly down on your fists, and strain your muscles while overcoming the resistance. The pressing force should gradually increase. When you reach maximum resistance, hold for 3 seconds. Then relax and repeat the exercise for 5-7 times.
Clench your teeth with your mouth closed and try to stretch the corners of the lips as wide as possible. Now push your tongue against your hard palate, gradually increasing the pressing force. If you feel a strong tension in your chin muscles, then you have performed the exercise correctly. Hold this feeling for 5 seconds, and then relax for 3 seconds. Repeat 5-8 times. Get rid of that double chin!
Chin rotations
In a seated or standing position, elongate your spine for a tall, straight back. Then, leading with your chin, slowly and gently rotate your head so it moves in a full circle from your shoulder to chest to shoulder to back. Make sure to keep your shoulders down and back throughout the movement. That’s one rep. Complete 10 and repeat in the opposite direction. Double chin no more!
Follow these simple ways of personalized healthcare to remove that extra layer of fat underneath your chin. Make sure to exercise daily as there is no spot reduction and keep yourself hydrated.
We truly hope you found this article informative. If you have any queries or suggestions then please reach out to us by dropping a message in the comment box below. Also to know more, you can always visit our website or book a preventive healthcare consultation session to get personalized and preventive healthcare solutions to your problems.
Can double chins go away?
Typically, a double chin corresponds with carrying excess weight. But there’s no scientific evidence supporting a clear-cut way of losing it besides diet and exercise.
Why do I have a double chin when I am skinny?
When you’re thin, just a small amount of fat under your jaw — called submental fat — may feel like it’s too much for your profile. Most of the time it’s just a result of genetics, and someone in your family tree passed on the tendency to have a little more flesh or fat in the chin area.
Will I lose double chin if I lose weight?
Losing weight throughout your body can help a double chin go away, along with excess fat in other areas.
Does slouching cause double chin?
Yes, poor posture can actually increase the size of a double chin.
What hormones cause double chin?
Hypothyroidism, in which the thyroid gland makes too little thyroid hormone, is one of the common medical causes of puffiness under the chin.