Pollution and its effects on fertility under preventive healthcare
Pollution and its effects on fertility : Pollution occurs when pollutants contaminate the natural surroundings; which brings about changes that affect our normal lifestyles adversely. Pollution disturbs our ecosystem and the balance in the environment. Now pollution is giving rise to global warming and human illness. Pollution occurs in different forms; air, water, soil, radioactive, noise, heat/ thermal and light. Read on about pollution’s effect on female fertility under preventive healthcare system.
Air pollution
There are many sources of air pollution and they can affect numerous physiological functions, including reproduction. It has been shown that air pollutants cause defects during gametogenesis leading to a drop in reproductive capacities.
Particulate matters kill!
Under preventive healthcare system, particulate matter and ozone are the most harmful products for humans including nitrogen dioxide. The main sources of these pollutants are transport and energy followed by industry. The air pollution is involved in cardiovascular disease, stroke and respiratory diseases such as lung cancer, childhood asthma and atopic dermatitis.
Air pollutants
The air pollutants exert a greater impact on fertility outcomes, including miscarriage and live birth rates. Under preventive healthcare system, it has been found that air pollution causes a drop in sperm quality. It also causes millions of premature deaths every year, and there is growing evidence that it also has negative effects on male fertility. Particulate matter affects the semen quality.  When we breathe in an area with high levels of air pollution, fine particulates containing toxic chemicals such as heavy metals pass into our lungs, allowing them to enter the bloodstream and they can cause damage to semen.
Air pollution also has serious effects on pregnancy and infant health. During pregnancy, women exposed to air pollution particulates like CO, NO2, and SO2, are more likely to experience premature labor, have infants with growth retardation, and even have a higher infant death rate. It also increases the rates of cancers, respiratory diseases and anemia.
To improve the health condition of people with the help of preventive healthcare system, measures should be taken to reduce the pollutants in the air so that it becomes less harmful for people and specially children and also improves our living condition.
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Does pollution affect egg quality?
Air pollution may increase the risk of infertility by acting at multiple levels: in women it may affect egg quality and reduce ovarian reserve and thus reducing the quality of the egg.
What pollutant causes reproductive problems?
 Particulate matter of 2.5 mm and between 2.5 and 10 mm were associated with reduced fecundability, whereas sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide might promote miscarriage and stillbirths.
Does pollution affect sperm?
It showed that air pollution can lead to reduced sperm motility.
Can plastics cause infertility?
Several chemicals found in everyday use products including plastic and electronics are lowering fertility in men, women and even some non-human species.
Can dust cause infertility?
A new study of indoor dust found PFAS and other toxics that can lead to infertility, diabetes, obesity, abnormal fetal growth, and cancers.