Pathway to a healthy life under preventive healthcare system
Pathway to healthy life: Ayurveda means “the science of life” and is a holistic approach to healing. It is based on ancient Eastern methods that help you attain health by re-establishing the body’s natural balance and energy. Ayurveda is best understood as a way of life. We can apply this in our everyday life and get the benefits of that. It all depends on the state of your doshas. Doshas, or humors, are the three basic constitutional types pursuant to Ayurveda: Vata, Pitta and Kapha. The Vata energy is composed by air and ether. The Pitta energy is made up of fire and water. The Kapha energy is composed by Earth and Water. Each of us has an Ayurvedic constitution, where one of the doshas predominates over the others. When the natural balance in your doshas is deranged, ailments appear. So under preventive healthcare system, the way to health is to restore their natural balance.
Ayurvedic expert practitioners examine your radial pulse with their fingers and are able to identify up to 95 per cent of all known diseases from your pulse alone. They also check your tongue, face, eyes, nails and lips. They look closely at your pathological symptoms and many factors involving your general lifestyle, behavior and diet, in order to make recommendations that will balance you. Under preventive healthcare system it is a very comprehensive and holistic way to diagnose.
Studies have shown that if you are experiencing some ailments like depression, constipation, dizziness, restless mind, insomnia, sciatica, backache, rheumatoid arthritis, varicose veins, menstrual disorders, dry skin or even wrinkles, chances are that your Vata dosha has being deranged. Negative emotions like fear, anxiety, timidity, lack of confidence, apprehension or nervousness contribute to derange the Vata dosha. But if you are experiencing some ailments like irritability, anger, bitter taste in the mouth, peptic ulcer, hypertension, migraine headache, liver disorder or hemorrhoids, chances are that your Pitta dosha has being deranged. On the other side, if you are feeling very lethargic or you are experiencing ailments like sore throat, bronchitis, emphysema, or sinus congestion, chances are that your Kapha dosha has been deranged.
Heal and restore the balance
Under preventive healthcare system, Ayurveda offers many ways to heal and restore your natural balance and energy. Food nourishes more than the body. It determines the quality of your very consciousness. What you eat, how you cook, when and in what company you eat, these seemingly small details have a big impact on your overall health, and, ultimately, your life span. Use plenty of spices and herbs in cooking. Spices are not only taste-enhancers, but also great healers. Sprinkle some freshly-cracked black pepper on your sandwich and it helps you absorb the nutrients readily. A pinch of turmeric in your soup not only adds color but also works as an excellent antioxidant. Combined in the right proportions, spices lend their synergy to everyday soups and curries.
Ayurveda believes that disease and disorders develop as the result of accumulated ama, or toxins, in the body. While physical ama leads to disturbed digestion and forms the breeding ground for disease, mental ama can impact resistance to day-to-day stress. Lack of good-quality sleep is a major factor in generating high levels of mental ama. Nature intended sleep as a nightly ritual of rest and rejuvenation. When sleep does not come easy or is disturbed, the day’s piled-up stresses, or ama, fail to be cleansed. A good night’s sleep, on the other hand, increases vital life force. Ayurveda has several remedies for disturbed sleep. Drink a glass of warm milk with a little honey just before you sleep. This has a settling influence on the mind and body. Use honey that has not been heat-treated and be sure not to heat it above 60 degrees Fahrenheit, as this eliminates its beneficial qualities.
Regularity is key
Ayurvedic healers have always emphasized the value of regularity in everything, be it rest, play or work. Sleep on time — never after 10:00 p.m. if possible. Wake up early. Spend time and attention on your morning ablutions, including the daily self-massage. Eat a good, fibrous breakfast, and have lunch at noon, when the body’s agni or digestive fires are at their peak. Meditate twice a day, meditation is a proven stress-reduction technique. Spend time with your family. One of the key elements of regular routine is good elimination. Although getting more fiber in your diet can help. It helps purify the liver, supports balanced fat metabolism, reduces digestive impurities, curbs the buildup of impurities in fat and muscle tissue, strengthens the entire urinary tract and aids liver function for pure blood and better absorption of nutrients.
Therefore, Ayurveda is the ancient well known remedy for all the diseases. To attain its benefits, just go with the flow of nature with the help of preventive healthcare mechanism.
We truly hope you found this article informative. If you have any queries or suggestions then please reach out to us by dropping a message in the comment box below. Also to know more, you can always visit our website or book a preventive healthcare consultation session to get personalized and preventive healthcare solutions to your problems.
What are the 5 Ayurvedic principles?
Ayurveda believes that the entire universe is composed of five elements: Vayu (Air), Jala (Water), Aakash (Space or ether), Prithvi (Earth) and Teja (Fire).
How Ayurveda is useful for life?
Ayurveda helps in eliminating impurities, reducing symptoms, increasing resistance to disease, reducing worry, and increasing harmony in life.
What is Ayurveda ritual?
Balanced living is the principle behind Ayurveda, the science of life.
What is the process of Panchakarma?
It consists of two main processes – Snehan (oleation) and Swedan (fomentation). These methods help to dislodge the accumulated poisonous substances in the body, thus preparing them for their complete removal.
Can you be both vata and pitta?
We speak of a Vata-Pitta Ayurveda type when both the Vata and Pitta Dosha (life forces) are present in a person in approximately equal strength. The combination of the two Doshas requires combining various health tips.