Important points to remember when you go for organic farming
What is organic farming?
Organic farming technique in India is not new at all. It is a technique for farming which essentially went for cultivating the land and raising crops in such a route, as to keep the soil alive and in good health by utilization of organic wastes (farm wastes, aquatic wastes, crop and animal) and other biological materials alongside advantageous microbes (biofertilizers) to release nutrients to crops for increased manageable production in an eco-agreeable pollution free environment.
“ Organic Farming is a method which excludes or avoids the use of synthetic products (like pesticides, fertilizers, feed additives, hormones etc) and to the extreme extent depends upon crop residues, animal manures, mineral grade rock extracts, off-farm organic left-over, plant protection and biological system of nutrient mobilization”.
The need for organic farming
With the rise in population, our obligation would be not only to steady the agricultural production but also to raise it further in a viable manner. The experts have recognized that the ‘Green Revolution’ with great input use has reached a plateau and is now sustained with weakening return of falling dividends. Thus, a likely balance needs to be maintained at all cost for the existence of property and life. The obvious select for that would be more significant in the present era when these agrochemicals which are formed from fossil fuel and are not renewable and are weakening in availability. It may also cost greatly on our foreign exchange in the coming future.
Key points to note
- Guarding the long-term fertility of soils by preserving organic matter levels, careful mechanical intervention and boosting soil biological action.
- Supplying crop nutrients circuitously using comparatively insoluble nutrient sources which are made accessible to the plant by the act of soil micro-organisms.
- Nitrogen self-sufficiency through the use of biological nitrogen fixation and legumes, as well as effective recycling of organic materials including livestock manures and crop residues.
- Pest control and weed relying predominantly on natural predators, crop rotations, organic manuring, diversity, resistant varieties and biological, chemical and thermal intervention.
- The widespread management of livestock, giving full favor to their evolutionary adaptations, animal welfare, and behavioral need issues with respect to the housing, health, rearing, nutrition, and breeding.
- Cautious attention to the effect of the farming system on the natural habitats, conservation of wildlife and the wider environment.
These are some key points to be noted for organic farming. Indeed, it is one of the better and eco-friendly ways of farming!