Health, Physical, Wellness

How to clean your ears via preventive healthcare ways

Clean ear, preventive healthcare

How to clean your ears: The human body has five main sense organs. Sense organs convey external stimuli to the sensory nervous system. Ears are one of the five main sense organs and it is highly essential that you clean your ears on a regular basis via preventive healthcare system. An ear is a sense organ for hearing and also balance, in mammals. It analyses sounds by converting sound waves into electrochemical impulses. It helps to maintain equilibrium. The ear is divided into three main parts; outer ear, middle ear and inner ear. All these parts have their specific functions such as collecting the sound, processing it and sending to the brain or maintaining body balance.
The pinna, external auditory canal and tympanic membrane together form the outer ear. The pinna is a rudimentary extension of cartilage covered with skin. It has numbers of furrows and ridges. It is effective in collecting sound waves. The tubular passage connects the pinna with the tympanic membrane. It is lined with hairy structures and modified sweat glands that produce a waxy substance, cerumen. Cerumen protects the ear from foreign substances and cleans the ear passage. The tympanic membrane separates the outer ear from the inner ear. It is thin and semi-transparent. The handle of the malleus is firmly attached to it.

Your ears needs cleanliness too.

How to protect your ear from damage?

The ear naturally produces cerumen or ear wax. This ear wax helps in protecting your ears from bacteria, germs and other foreign substances. The residue of this wax mostly finds its way out during chewing or different jaw movements. But sometimes it gets stuck in the ear causing pain, foul-smelling and impaired hearing. This is a clear sign that you need to clean your ears with the help of preventive healthcare mechanism.

Why do we need to clean the ear?

Health care professionals advise people against using an ear bud to clean ears.

As you already know, a cotton swab is not considered safe to clean your ear. Although the ear produces cerumen which helps in keeping the ears clean. But the debris of earwax (earwax along with bacteria and dirt) gets stuck inside the ear and makes it difficult for the person to hear. This is called impaction. Old people or people who use hearing aids are likely to produce excess wax. If you have an aching pain, impaired hearing and odor, all these are the signs of impaction. This means your ear needs to be urgently cleaned.

Methods to clean your ears:-

Maintain cleanliness of your ears at all times.

Sometimes the shape of the ear canal makes it difficult to remove the waste from your ear. Some useful methods to clean your ears are:

1. Visit the doctor

Under preventive healthcare, the best way to get rid of ear wax is visiting a doctor. The doctor can diagnose in a few minutes that if the ear is infected or does it have any other problems. They will quickly flush your ears using a bulb-like syringe. They might even prescribe over-the-counter earwax solvents. This is the best and safest way to treat your ears.

2. Use an ear wax solvent

This is the easiest way to get rid of earwax at home. Using over-the-counter earwax solvents is a trusted way to get rid of excessive earwax. It mostly contains substances like saline, hydrogen peroxide, glycerin, etc. Put a few drops of this solvent in your ear and wait for a few minutes. Rinse your ear post that. Always follow the instructions written at the back of the packet. Contact your doctor if the symptoms continue.

3. Use syringes

You can clean your ears using warm water or saline solution. You can use an ear wax solvent 15 minutes before to make it easier for the wax to be removed. It is the most effective manner for removal of ear wax. You can use purified warm water.  

4. Use olive oil

Olive oil is a best natural wax solvent. It softens the wax allowing easy removal. Also helps in preventing dryness and irritation, by coating the sensitive tissues with oil. It will not affect your ears in any negative manners. You can also use almond oil.
One of the most important sense organs, the human ear helps us to maintain balance besides helping us to be aware of the surrounding sounds. It is important to clean and protect your ears.

We truly hope you found this article helpful. To know more, you can always visit our website or book a preventive healthcare consultation session to get personalized and preventive healthcare solutions to your problems.

  1. How often should you clean your ears?

    Experts, recommend that you only clean your ears every two to four weeks.

  2. Can I flush my ears myself?

    Wax removal is most safely done by a doctor. Thus don’t try to remove earwax yourself with any device.

  3. What happens if you don’t clean your ears?

    This may cause a feeling of pressure in the ear and diminished hearing. Even worse, clumps of earwax pushed down near the eardrum can lead to painful ear infections.

  4. What dissolves ear wax fast?

    Soften and loosen the earwax with warm mineral oil. 

  5. Should you wash your ears in the shower?

    The ear canal does not need to be cleaned, although you can let the shower water flush it out if it feels full. Be sure to let the water drain out after your shower, or you risk infection.

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