Home remedies to take care of your cracked heels
Cracked and dry feet signify lack of attention towards yourself. For women, cracked heels are nothing less than a nightmare. If proper care is not taken, the skin of the feet becomes dry. This is because no oil glands on your heels. This dryness eventually leads to the skin to crack. Excessive exposure to pollution, lack of adequate moisture as well as certain medical conditions like diabetes, eczema, psoriasis and thyroid lead to cracked and dry feet.
Remedies to cure cracked heels
If you look around, you will find various chemical creams for your cracked heels that are available at the pharmacies. But are all of these safe to use? Are they really effective? Well, certainly they are not as effective as the following home remedies. Hence, to help you get rid of those cracked heels at the earliest, this article enlists top 8 home remedies.
1.Vegetable oil remedy
Wash your feet properly and dry them using a towel. Make sure the towel is clean. Apply some vegetable oil over the cracked region of your feet and go off to sleep. Being a oil, it can spoil the bed-sheet. To prevent the same, you can wear a pair of socks. Wash your feet with warm water in the morning.
2. Glycerine-rose water- salt foot mask
Add all of these ingredients i.e. rose water, glycerine, lemon juice and salt together to the warm water in a tub. Take a foot scrubber or pumice stone and scrub both sides of your heels to get rid of the cracks. As an alternative, you can use this mixture as a lotion over your cracked heels. As the same will be a bit sticky, you can put on socks while you go to sleep. This remedy is good for healing heels overnight.
3.Banana-Avocado Foot Mask
Blend one ripe banana and half avocado. Apply this creamy thick paste thoroughly on your feet and heels. Leave the same to dry for at least 20 minutes and wash your feet using lukewarm water. This mask is regarded as an amazing moisturizer for cracked heels.
4.Vaseline-Lemon Juice mask
Mix half cup of lemon juice to 1 teaspoon of Vaseline. Rub this mixture thoroughly on your cracked heels and feet, till your skin completely absorb the mixture. Apply the mixture and go to sleep wearing woolen socks. Woolen socks are recommended as it traps the body heat and enhances the effectiveness of this mask.
5.Paraffin Wax Mask
Take some quantum of paraffin wax and thoroughly mix it with coconut or mustard oil. Heat this mixture until the wax melts evenly. Once done, let the wax melt at room temperature and then go ahead with it by applying it over your feet. For reliable results, apply this mask before going off to sleep and make sure to put on socks. Wash off your feet properly after waking up in the morning.
6.Honey mask
Take one cup of honey and mix it to half bucket of warm water. Now soak your feet into the same and leave it for 15 to 20 minutes. After this, scrub your feet for obtaining supple and soft feet. To those who are unaware, honey is a great moisturizer.
7.Rice Flour
Take about 3 tablespoons of ground rice and add some apple cider vinegar and honey to the same to turn it into a thick paste. In case your heels are very cracked and dry, you can go ahead with adding olive oil as well. As an alternative, you also have sweet almond oil. Before scrubbing your feet with the paste, make sure to soak your feet in lukewarm water. The rice-flour paste will help in removing those dead skin cells from your feet.
8.Olive oil-oatmeal paste
Mix 1 cup of powdered oatmeal to few drops of olive oil to make a thick paste. Apply this paste over your feet and leave it to dry for 30 minutes. Once done, wash it off using cold water and feel the difference.
Final wordÂ
Cracked heels are very common. The leading cause for the same is generally pollution or the lack of time to care of your feet. Whatever be the cause, cracked heels are nothing short of embarrassment. The saddest part of the whole story is that cracked heels can prevent you from wearing your favorite shoes. These worries can be effectively treated by adhering to the above-mentioned home remedies. Being natural, these remedies are easy and safe to use. You will surely feel the difference after using any of these remedies on a regular basis. So, why hide your cracked feet anymore when these enticing home remedies are at your doorstep? Go ahead and rejoice your feet, without any hesitation!