Health weekend activities!
Weekend is the time for people to sit back and relax from the stress of the week. They plan various things with family and friends. But in all this they forget to take care of their health. They prioritise everything over health, but there are ways to spend the weekend as productive. There are activities that can make your weekend healthy for you.
Let’s discuss about easy ones that anyone can do.
Take a morning stroll
Taking a walk as soon as you wake up—even before coffee and brunch—gets your workout out of the way. You’ll come back feeling energized and empowered to tackle the rest of your day. It’s a great way to start your weekend and even keep you fit.
A morning stroll is great for your health!
Get up at least once an hour
Human is lazy by nature. Sitting hours on end five days a week is bad enough—when you start bringing work home for the weekend, health problems from staying sedentary get even worse. If you need to spend time hunkered in front of your computer, spend 10 minutes every hour doing equipment-free exercises like lunges, push-ups, or jumping jacks. It won’t cut into too much work time but could add up to more than an hour’s worth of exercise by the end of the day.
Get up once an hour!
Go for a long bike ride
Squeezing in a short ride during the week is great, but when the weekend rolls around, you have the freedom to spend as much time on your bike as you want. Ride around your neighbourhood or load your bike into your car and find a more scenic route. Pack plenty of food so you can stay out half the day or more if you want, but make sure you’ve got cash, too, in case you need a pit stop at a coffee shop.
BIke ride
Don’t just watch sports—get in on the action
For every hour you watch a sports game on TV, spend 30 minutes playing sports or exercising to keep from becoming a couch potato. As fun as it is to watch your favourite athlete score, you’ll feel even better if you’re the one hitting that home run or swishing a basketball through the net. Also, I’ll help you get close to people and build trust and friendship.
Get,set, action!
Sign up for a competition
Don’t just sit at home, go and compete with others. No matter it’s a race, quiz or even just speaking, but get out and give yourself a challenge.
Do some yard work
Mowing the lawn, raking leaves, and weeding a garden can burn calories and build upper-body strength. One study deemed gardening the best physical activity to prevent osteoporosis. Make the labour as physical as possible by using a push mower instead of a self-propelled one or grabbing a rake rather than a leaf blower. You’ll burn more calories and reduce air pollution. Grabbing a rake rather than a leaf blower. You’ll burn more calories and reduce air pollution.
Make your weekend stress-free and fun. Have a nice and safe weekend.