7 types of personalized healthcare makeup that you can make at home
7 types of makeup that you can make at home: Running out of your favorite lipstick, or not having the perfect shadows to mix with your look? You can’t always own everything. But you can always DIY your makeup for personalized healthcare of your skin. Yes, you heard me right! Makeup was first invented by the Egyptians and they obviously handmade all of it.
Why Do-It-Yourself makeup?
You can’t always find the correct tone or shade in makeup, and urban makeup has many chemical components involved in it. You can always DIY your makeup when in an emergency or just for fun. DIY makeup can be your quick fixes. Or maybe something you want to do as a little experiment for personalized healthcare. Totally up to you!
How to make makeup at home?
Let us list down a few basic makeups that you can make on your own. And give you a little help in how to do it.
Crayon Lipstick
It only needs your pack of crayons of choice and Vaseline, which melts them together, and voila! You can always add choice oils like sunflower, or coconut oil to add a bit of moisturizing property to it. And have fun trying different colors, you can even mix 2-3 different colors to create a new shade altogether.
DIY body glitter
As fancy as that sounds. It’s actually super simple. Just mix in some loose glitter (ones sold for makeup) and mix it in with your moisturizer or aloe Vera gel. Apply it on for a glittery effect on your arms and collar bones.
All you need is some Coconut Oil, beeswax, powder eyeshadow, and an empty container. This recipe can make your shadow last longer and you can mix and match it. Take a glass container, and add a scoop of coconut oil, some beeswax, and eyeshadow powder. Heat this for 30 seconds in a microwave. Take it out, mix it a little, and heat it for 30 seconds again. Pour this mix into the empty container, and cool down in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours.
Create a double boiler and add the following – 1 tsp coconut oil, 1 tsp Shea butter, 1 1/2 tsp beeswax, and 2 tsp jojoba oil. Bring it off the flame once it is melted and add 2 capsules of activated charcoal and 2 drops of Vitamin E oil. Put it inside a plastic zip-lock bag to cool down, and then pour it into an empty mascara tube.
DIY makeup removers
Take a long jar and fill it up with cotton pads. Add coconut oil and castile soap (melted) over the pads. Add some water, just enough to wet the pads. Place the lid and shake it, to even it out. Voila! You have your own makeup wipes.
There are so many different ways to make those blushes. You can find tutorials everywhere on how to make the personalized healthy perfect pink blusher for you. It can be a little complicated but blusher is definitely something you can DIY.
For the simplest version of the foundation; mix up sunscreen lotion with the moisturizer. That’s it! For a recipe to be made from scratch, you will need many more ingredients. If you really want to DIY this; you can look up the recipe and make a customized color for personalized healthcare for your skin tone.
Well, these were our favorites. Let us know yours!
Is the process of handmade makeup fun?
Creating homemade makeup is more of an art than a science and your exact color and base combinations will depend on the amount of coverage and color you want.
Can you use Vaseline as mascara?
One of those all-purpose beauty products is Vaseline (or any generic petroleum jelly). It can be used to remove eye makeup, as a lip gloss, and yes, it can even be used as a clear mascara.
What can I use instead of eyeliner?
If you are out of eyeliner, you can always substitute it with some eyeshadow and a damp eyeshadow brush. Just add a few drops of water to your brush, dab it onto the eyeshadow palette, and voila, your very own eyeliner
Can I use Kajal as eyeliner?
Your regular kajal pencil can be used as a liner.
Should I wash my makeup brushes regularly?
It is advised to wash your makeup brushes regularly to avoid any kind of infection.