Beauty, Body, Skin and body

7 simple home hacks to lighten your dark underarms

Excessive sweating, use of alcohol-based deodorants, hair removal creams, shaving or accumulation of dead cells, cause your underarm skin to darken. Blackening of underarms often causes embarrassment taking your confidence levels down. But hey, you need not worry. You can easily get rid of the darkness with these seven simple hacks which are pocket-friendly and natural:

Lemon bleach

Enriched with Vitamin C, lemon is known as an excellent bleaching agent that imparts fairness to the skin. It also has antibacterial and antiseptic properties.  However, lemon can make your skin extremely dry. So a little moisturizer is required after applying lemon. Here is what you can do-
Rub a lemon slice on your underarm for few minutes. You can coat sugar on the lemon slice before applying. Sugar would exfoliate the skin and lemon would lighten the skin tone. Wash off the juice after 10 minutes. In case direct application of lemon causes tingling or burning sensation, you can dilute lemon juice with water and apply with cotton. Try the trick twice a week for faster results.
Alternatively, you can make a paste of honey, turmeric and lemon juice. Apply the paste on underarms, leaving it for 10 minutes. Rinse with cold water. You can follow this process thrice a week.

Potato rub

Well, as much as it sounds starchy or fatty, this one benefit of potato sets it apart from the rest. Since it is mildly acidic in nature, the natural bleaching property will not cause irritation at all. You only need to rub a thin slice of it on your underarms.  Or else grate the potato and apply the juice to underarms. Wash with lukewarm water after 15 minutes. Since the process is fast and simple, you can easily do this daily till you get to see the results.

 Cooling cucumber

We all know cucumber as a cooling ingredient. But did you also know that it is natural and effective bleach at the same time? Well, this is the reason why cucumber is used to treat suntan. The same logic is applied for dark underarms. Just cut a thin slice of cucumber and rub on underarms. You can also grate it and apply the juice.
You can extract the cucumber juice and mix with half teaspoon turmeric powder and lemon juice. Apply and leave it for half an hour. Wash with cool water. This would give you results faster than applying cucumber alone since lemon and turmeric accelerate the bleaching power of cucumber.  Do this thrice a week and notice the visible change.

 Coconut oil

Yes, the underrated coconut oil is a natural remedy to treat dark underarms. Packed with Vitamin E, it lightens the dark skin tone and also works as a natural deodorizer. Get these two in one benefits by massaging coconut oil ion underarms for 5-6 minutes. Leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes.  Use a mild soap and lukewarm water to rinse the oil. You can do this daily before bathing and get the desired result in just 10 days.  

Baking soda

Life is so easy with ingredients easily available in our kitchen. Isn’t it? Use baking soda can be used to make a scrub that would exfoliate your underarm skin, helping you get rid of dead cells and unclog the pores. Mix one tablespoon baking soda with little water to form a thick paste. Apply the paste on underarms and rub gently. This would exfoliate the skin well. Wash with cool water and pat the area dry. It is advisable to repeat twice a week for a better result.  

Tango with Tomato

Raw tomato is exceptionally beneficial in lightening dark underarms. It contains bleaching properties that make skin tone lighter, reduces discolorations and also helps lessen sweating.  
Apply a slice of raw tomato on underarms or the juice from its pulp. Let it dry for 10 minutes. Rinse with cool water.

 Milk or malaai

Milk has been popular since ages as a skin lightening ingredient. If you can use it on face, then you certainly cans use on underarms too. Besides lightening skin tone, it also moisturizes and makes skin soft. All you are required to do is rub some malaai or apply milk on underarms, leaving it for 10-15 minutes. Wash with cool water. Skin would feel soft to touch and lighter in tone within few days.
In addition to the above natural remedies, you can use the commercial bleaches available in the market. Apply bleach and let it sit for not more than 15 minutes. Follow with exfoliation and moisturizer. Also, an underarm waxing uproots the hair as well as dead cells which make skin look lighter. This is an effective measure for sun tan as well. Try the natural home hacks and feel blessed with the goodness of nature around you.    

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