7 natural home-made toners to rejuvenate skin
Our skin care routine prominently specifies CTM, wherein C stands for cleansing, T for toning and M for the obvious, moisturizing. Most of us only cleanse and moisturize while skipping the toning part. Those who skip toning perhaps are unaware of the importance of toning like hydrating, shrinking open pores, controlling oil, reducing acne, removing last traces of dirt and cooling your skin. If you are skipping toner because you think it is an additional expense to your budget, then create your own toner at home. Here are the 7 natural toners for all skin types that we have hand-picked for you.
1. Lemon juice toner
This is recommended for oily skin and in case you want to lighten your skin tone. Lemon juice toner also wonderfully works on age spots, scars or hyperpigmentation. The rich content of vitamin C laden with antioxidants reduces acne, pimples, and tanning. Post application, a smooth and even complexion is revealed.
All you need to do is squeeze lemon juice and apply directly on face. If you have sensitive skin or lemon application causes itchiness, then dilute with water. Leave it on for 10 minutes and wash off with water. Follow with moisturizer.
2. Tomato toner
For skin with large open pores, acne, rashes, and breakout on oily T-zone, tomato toner is the best. Fortified with vitamin A, C & K tomato juice helps you get rid of blackheads on nose, dead skin cells and unwanted shine.
After cleansing your face, rub a freshly cut tomato on the face. Or else mix some cucumber juice in tomato pulp, dip a cotton ball in the strained juice and wipe your face. Repeat twice a day. Easy right?
3. Green tea toner
Green tea, when applied on skin, reduces all signs of aging like wrinkles, age spots or fine lines. It soaks excess oil from skin, locks in moisture to prevent dryness and keeps skin healthy. You can easily make your own green tea toner at home.
Just boil a cup of water and soak green tea leaves or tea bags for 10-15 minutes. Let the water cool and store in a bottle. Dab or spray every morning on your face to retain that youthful glow. You can also do this after washing your face.
4. Apple cider vinegar toner
Changing lifestyle has made people adopt healthy items for overall wellness. One of them is apple cider vinegar which comes with multiple benefits like enhancing complexion, even skin tone, lighten tanning and restore skin’s natural pH balance. No cutting or juicing is required to make toner from apple cider vinegar.
You only need to add 4 tablespoons of water to 2 tablespoons of vinegar and store in a bottle. Simply dip a cotton pad and wipe your face twice a day to get a glowing and refreshed skin. Â Â Â
5. White vinegar toner
This is one of the easiest and best toners to get glowing skin. Readily available in your kitchen, white vinegar is most suitable for skin with oily texture, rashes, allergies or infections. The mild astringent properties reduce those large open pores, acne and pimple breakout.
The only effort you need to make is to mix equal parts of water and white vinegar. Wipe your face with this mixture twice or thrice a day. Â
6. Camphor and rosewater toner
Camphor (or Kapoor in Hindi) is useful if you suffer from skin irritation, redness, excess oil or itching. Rose water is known for its amazing hydrating property with anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory goodness. Â
Add a pinch of camphor in a bottle of rose water and store for daily use. Wipe your face 2-3 times a day to reduce excess oil or skin problems. This toner also serves a great hydrant for hot summers.
7. Mint toner
Besides making delicious pudina chutney with mint leaves, use these for making an effective toner. Â Stimulated with menthol and anti-bacterial properties, the mint toner is well known to impart youthful appearance, cure acne, oiliness and give a smooth appearance to the skin.
Boil a handful of leaves in two small cups of water. Let the solution cool and preserve in a bottle for future use. Soak a cotton pad in the solution and wipe your face twice daily. Â
Bring home the blessings of nature for the radiant skin you wish to achieve. Commercially available toners can be handy to use but you can never tell the presence of toxins or chemicals that may harm your skin in the long run. We like it to keep it simple and natural. Try these natural toners at home and let us know when you notice the beautiful difference.