5 myths surrounding SPF !
Ever heard of SPF? It’s quite a common word in today’s world. What does SPF do? SPF has been present in the cosmetics industry for quite some time. As popular as SPF is on the market, there are some SPF myths surrounding that need to be busted asap! This is The Aanya’s attempt at being an SPF myths buster.
1.UVB protection alone is enough
The rays of the sun have the potential to cause harm. This is mainly the Ultraviolet A (UVA) rays and Ultraviolet B (UVB) rays. Most of the sunscreens have protection against UVB and this helps in preventing burns and cancers.These may seem like the only thing required when you are out in the sun. However, UVA has the potential to penetrate deeper into the skin. This can cause severe sun damage and tanning. Hence, it is always advisable to go with a multi-spectrum sunscreen for total protection.
2.Higher SPF means more protection
This is a general misconception that more is better. When this misconception is applied to sunscreens, this turns into the higher the SPF rating, the more is the protection. This is slightly true and largely false. Research says that higher sunscreens increase protection by 3%.However, this is not a huge increase in protection. The main takeaway is that sunscreens should be applied more in quantity and properly as well.
3.SPF is just present in sunscreens
This is a huge myth. That SPF is just present in sunscreens. Not it isn’t! Plenty of products have SPF other than sunscreens. There is a huge product line that contains SPF. They come in a stick for putting it quickly, in spray for a “hands-free” application, and powder for a quick job.
4.Once applied and no more required!
An SPF 20 means that if you start having redness under the sun in 10 minutes, then it’s application can protect you for 200 minutes i.e 20*10. zHowever, this is a claim under controlled conditions.Real life situations have many other factors to account – humidity, sweat, and washing of face.This means that apply once and then apply again.Depending on situations, this should be done in one to two hours interval.
5.Sunscreen is required during summers only
If you think that the sun harms only during summers due to high temperatures, then you are wrong.It’s a factor of sunrays and not temperature.Hence, apply a sunscreen even during winters when going outdoors.
Here are some myths that we thought were necessary to be busted. Now that you are more informed, we hope you will make better choices!