Beauty, Body, Face, Skin and body

Night skin care routine

The best way to care for your skin is by using natural treatments because most store-bought creams and other skin products contain harsh chemicals. A homemade night cream is a great way to rejuvenate the skin and restore its inherent health. Making night creams at home is very easy and is also cost effective. Because it does not contain any harsh chemicals, it is also great for your skin. This article on tips for bedtime skin care brings you a list of night creams that you can easily make at home and use regularly to improve the health and appearance of your skin.

  • Olive oil night creamOlive oil night cream

Olive oil is known for its moisturizing benefits and this night cream recipe uses its ability to lock in moisture to give you a healthy glow in the morning. It also uses the moisturizing abilities of coconut oil to make a cream that is deeply nourishing.

  1. Half cup extra virgin olive oil
  2. 2 spoonful of pure coconut oil
  3. 1 spoon of beeswax
  4. 2 capsules of vitamin E

Mix all the ingredients (except the vitamin E capsule) in a pan and stir on low heat until it is completely melted. Before it begins to boil, crush and add the capsules of vitamin E to the mixture and allow it to cool. Store it in an airtight container and use every night after thoroughly cleansing your face.

  • Glycerine Cream

Glycerine is known for its deeply nourishing properties. It has been used by men and women for centuries to achieve beautiful, spotless and glowing skin. Using glycerine in a homemade night cream can help your skin get the moisture it needs while you sleep peacefully.

  1. 2 tablespoon of rose water
  2. 1 spoon of pure coconut oil
  3. 1 spoon of almond oil
  4. 1 spoon of glycerine

Add the coconut oil and the almond oil to a heavy bottomed pan and simmer on low to medium heat until they are fully blended. Take the pan off the heat and stir in the rose water and the glycerine and mix thoroughly. Allow the mixture to cool completely before transferring it to an airtight moisturizer container and use it every night before bed for a brighter complexion.

  • Cocoa butter cream for wrinklesCocoa butter cream for wrinkles

Cocoa butter is a universally acclaimed moisturizer. Most high-end cosmetics brands contain cocoa butter extracts in their products, but they also contain a lot of unhealthy chemicals which can weigh out the benefits of cocoa butter. But thankfully, there is a way to counter this negative effect of the chemicals on your skin, and yes, you guessed right – it’s by making your own homemade night cream instead of relying on store-bought products.

  1. 2 spoons of cocoa butter
  2. 1 spoon of coconut oil
  3. 1 spoon of virgin or extra virgin olive oil
  4. Essential oil (optional)

Add all of the mentioned ingredients to a thick bottomed boiler and heat on low to medium heat until everything has melted. Make sure the mixture does not start to boil, as this can destroy the nutrients in the oils which are necessary for moisturizing the skin. Once all the ingredients have melted, take the pan off the heat and stir gently until everything has blended thoroughly. You can add a few drops of perfumed essential oil for a nice smell, but that is optional. Store in a jar and use as required.
With the help of these simple recipes, you can get the smooth glowing skin that you have craved for. Not only are these methods cost effective, but are also great for your skin and can prevent premature aging of the skin.

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